1991 | - Space Trade Coporation established
1993 | - Exclusive Agency Agreement with TPS Austria
1994 | - Company name changed. "Space Corporation"
1996 | - Achieved 50 Snow Makers Deliveries.
1997 | - Exclusive Agency Agreement of EVERSLIDE
- Installation the first EVERSLIDE Sledding Slope
2002 | - Achieved 100 Snow Makers Deliveries.
2005 | - Achieved 100 Snow Sledding Slope Installations.
2008 | |
2009 | - Installation Olympic Ski Jumping Hills in Pyeongchang
2011 | - Patent registration of the Everslide Laneguide.
- IAAPA Asian Attractions Expo 2011 in Seoul
2012 | - "Everslide Water Tubing" Launch
- "Steel Slide" Launch
2013 | - Achieved 200 Snow Makers Deliveries.
- Exclusive Agency Agreement with "Team Service" Italian moving belt manufacturer.
- Start of overseas sales of "Everslide Year-Round Tubing"
2014 | - Company name changed. "Space Engineering Inc."
- Installation the first overseas "Everslide Year-Round Tubing" in Jakarta, Indonesia
- Achieved 50 Water Slide Installations.
2015 | - Evacuation Slide Launch
- IAAPA Asian Attractions Expo 2015 in Hong Kong
2016 | - IAAPA Asian Attractions Expo 2016 in Shanghai
2017 | - Achieved 300 Snow Makers Deliveries.
2018 | - Achieved 50 "Everslide Year-Round Tubing" Installations.
- DEAL (Dubai Entertainment Amusement&Leisure Show)2018
2019 | - DEAL (Dubai Entertainment Amusement&Leisure Show)2019
- FSB 2019 (Leisure Sports mess in Cologne)